Tuesday, September 8, 2009

gasp, I almost forgot the title.

I'm so proud of myself. I studied, actually studied. Not a lot, like an hour not including homework, but still. A lot for me, cos I find it really hard to get started studying. then I'm grand. The flood gates have now been opened.

600 points here I come.

Haha, no way. I do not care for points, once I get what I want, then I'm happy. Don't let yourself get caught up in that kind of malarkey, it disturbs people in my opinion.

We had to write a satire piece for English, and I wrote mine on . . . Celebrity Humanitarians! Which pretty much turned into 'Bono is a pompous tool'. Yeah the people of Ghana are starving and need blankets. Blankets U2's hotel could easily provide, no?

Some people just defy logic in my opinion.

And on the subject of irritating people; people who stop in the middle of the hall! They actually deserve to be shot for holding up the whole place. My timekeeping skills are bad enough as they are without further hinderances, thank you very much.

I can't wait for teach mhuire to get tables and chairs, because the floor is dusty, and dust is hard to get off tights. But as a whole, teach mhuire is nice.

Linkage time;

I realise this is a really well known song, and I'm probably not introducing the majority of people to something new, but it's a great song.

Portugal is not Spain. Good girl.

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