Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Philosophical Ramblings.

So I'm a bit sick of this 30 Day thing already so I'mma give it a rest for a while and just ramble about the last few days. People seemed to like that.

So over the last week there has been ups and downs. Extreme highs and extreme lows. No, not that kind, none of them drug induced I can assure you.

I've had a taste of the summer I have sprawling before me, of parties and memories and photos and love.

Don't be afraid of change, embrace it.

One thing I have realised is that life is short, you have to make the most of it before you wake up one morning and realise you've lived for seventy years and have nothing to show for it but regrets. I want no regrets. I want to achieve greatness, not necessarily in an obvious way, but in a way that means everything to me. Maybe I'll be a great mam, a great wife, a great painter, a great writer, a great cake baker, a great dresser, a great teacher, a great bird watcher. Who knows, I certainly don't at this point in my life.

More than anything, I want to be great at being me. I want to always be true to myself and to others. I want to dance on the beach at night, I want to pick flowers in the spring, I want to have friends I've loved all my life, who know me better than I know myself. I want to change the world, even if the world means one person. I want to travel, discover. I want to write books, even if they're never read by anyone but myself. More than anything, I want to be happy, but never at the expense of someone I love.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 04 → Your favourite book.

This is an easy one, Harry Potter, the series in general but if I had to pick one, it'd be the Prisoner Of Azkaban.

Harry Potter and I have grown up together, ever since I was seven and there must have been some sort of present mix up because Scott received Books 1-3 as a present. I subsequently took them, read them in the wrong order, and then it began. We spent many happy years together.

I remember going in to the midnight releases and staying up all night to read the newest one. When the series ended I felt like I'd lost a friend, it was the end of an era.

I love Harry Potter and I always will.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Procrastinating Packing

The day has finally come.

Day 03 → Your favourite television program.

Hmm 'tis a difficult one yet again. I hope these get easier to choose.

I'm going to say LOST. LOST and I have a love - hate relationship. I stuck it out of spite, all the way to the very end, unlike ye of little faith who copped out halfway through Season 3.

However, the last series redeemed LOST in my eyes. There were answers, but questions still remained, and anyone who didn't expect that has been watching a different show for the last six years. Six years.

The summer before second year I started watching LOST. Many things have happened since then, I've gone new places, met new people, I have discovered myself and fallen in love harder than I ever thought possible. But throughout it all, there was one constant, LOST.

The final episode: The answers were just so heartbreakingly simple. They weren't chosen because they were talented or even all that special, but because they were alone. They needed the island as much as the island needed them. How poetic.

I had one big problem with the last few episodes, there is no way that cute high cheek boned little black haired boy ever grew into the adult Man In Black. It's just not possible. I point the blame finger at casting.

I'll glad it's over, finally. But I'll miss sending Aonghus theories and a 'I don't understand' texts every Thursday night. It's been an experience.

Since he first appeared in Season 2, Desmond has been one of my favourite characters. He's remained consistent, unlike Sayid who later went crazy. Desmond's faith that things would all work out was inspiring.

"See you in another life, brotha"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 02 → Your favourite movie.

This is pretty easy because I don't watch many movies, which narrows down my choices. My favourite movie is The Notebook, simply because it's a beautiful story.

It's the perfect mix of sweetness, humor, heartbreak and above all, love.
Is it arrogant for me to say I see myself in such a perfect story? Maybe that's the point of the movie, that people can identify with it. Coupled with the clothes, the hair, the dream house, the sweeping music and that scene when Ryan Gosling is fixing the roof, well it's just perfect.

We watched it in religion class towards the end of the year when we were studying relationships and Ms Doherty described it as 'an ideal love story' and I couldn't agree more. The message of the film, that love can overcome any obstacle, even death, is wonderfully uplifting.

I haven't the novel that the movie is based on, because I'm afraid it will make me think less of the film.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 01 → Your favourite song.

Ok, never an easy one. I have several favourite songs that I like for different reasons.

But, purely for the feel good factor and because it's brilliant to sing along to, I'm going to say Mr Brightside by The Killers.

The Killers are a band I've liked for a long time and, regardless of what everyone else seems to think, I thought Sam's Town was a good album.

It's a song everyone seems to know the words to and it's always great to dance around to. it reminds me of second year when I used to go to all those Battle Of The Bands gigs and dodgy discos. Good times.

This song came in in Escape on grad night and it was the highlight of the night.

Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
'Cause I'm Mr Brightside

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Breaking Down The Blogging Block

So, because my previous commitments to stop blogging again clearly failed, I'm taking a leaf from Emma Norris' proverbial book and copy catting a little thing she had going way back in March.

Blogs for the next 30 days shall centre around the following.

Day 01 → Your favourite song.
Day 02 → Your favourite movie.
Day 03 → Your favourite television program.
Day 04 → Your favourite book.
Day 05 → Your favourite quote.
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy.
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy.
Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad.
Day 09 → A photo you took.
Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago.
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently.
Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy.
Day 13 → A fictional book.
Day 14 → A non-fictional book.
Day 15 → A fanfic.
Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly).
Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.).
Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy.
Day 19 → A talent of yours.
Day 20 → A hobby of yours.
Day 21 → A recipe.
Day 22 → A website.
Day 23 → A YouTube video.
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy.
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail.
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail.
Day 27 → This month, in great detail.
Day 28 → This year, in great detail.
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days.
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy.

I've a feeling I'll be getting lazy towards the end.

Ramblings Return

Hey blog, it's been a while. Again.

So there has been many happenings since the last post.

Leaving Cert has begun and nearly ended for me. So far so good, though I'm almost afraid to say that in case I jinx it. Just History, French and Art History left to go. I'd be happy with a B in the latter. However, fingers crossed for an A in French and History.

The MTV Movie Awards, Twilight swept the board yet again. It's only two weeks to Eclipse, I must book my ticket plenty in advance. Oh gosh I'm excited.

On Friday I leave for London with Breffni and shall fulfill dreams that have been the bulk of our conversations for the past several months.

Summer is nearly here! Yay! How wonderful life better be after these exams. I officially have an Oxegen ticket and many other plans for the summer. Weather depending. I am determined not to let this summer be another 'I was going to do this . . . but then I didn't.' There shall been many parties, many nights on the town, many movies, many BBQs, many cycles, many driving lessons and two debs. Yay!

C'est tout pour maintenant. Bonne chance pour demain.