Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 03 → Your favourite television program.

Hmm 'tis a difficult one yet again. I hope these get easier to choose.

I'm going to say LOST. LOST and I have a love - hate relationship. I stuck it out of spite, all the way to the very end, unlike ye of little faith who copped out halfway through Season 3.

However, the last series redeemed LOST in my eyes. There were answers, but questions still remained, and anyone who didn't expect that has been watching a different show for the last six years. Six years.

The summer before second year I started watching LOST. Many things have happened since then, I've gone new places, met new people, I have discovered myself and fallen in love harder than I ever thought possible. But throughout it all, there was one constant, LOST.

The final episode: The answers were just so heartbreakingly simple. They weren't chosen because they were talented or even all that special, but because they were alone. They needed the island as much as the island needed them. How poetic.

I had one big problem with the last few episodes, there is no way that cute high cheek boned little black haired boy ever grew into the adult Man In Black. It's just not possible. I point the blame finger at casting.

I'll glad it's over, finally. But I'll miss sending Aonghus theories and a 'I don't understand' texts every Thursday night. It's been an experience.

Since he first appeared in Season 2, Desmond has been one of my favourite characters. He's remained consistent, unlike Sayid who later went crazy. Desmond's faith that things would all work out was inspiring.

"See you in another life, brotha"

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