Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bit Of A Mention Of Eclipse In This One

I don't know how to blog anymore. I've lost that rambling feeling. I thought summer and the loss of the leaving cert would equal more bloggings (say that how Gollum says 'Bagggginsss' in LOTR) but obviously, that has not happened.

Surprisingly, I failed to mention Eclipse in a blog after I saw it. I was well impressed. It was actually funny for once, and not just in a 'look at the state of Jacob Black's wig funny', though Jasper's was fairly terrible. Bella pissed me off yet again with her indecisive ways. Make up your mind girl!

I'm not going to put photos in this blog, unless I find a really good one, because I think I use them as compensation for my lack of words.

Life is full of choices, they are inevitable. There is no way I know of to procrastinate change. Do not fear change. It's usually for the best.

Going out on Friday for the first time since graduation, I'm surprised at this. I thought this summer would be all about going out but things like London and Oxegen were quite a drain on my resources and I had to mind my money. I'm starting to learn control with money. Yesterday I stopped myself from buying something in Penney's, even though I desperately wanted it :O

In a couple of months I will (hopefully) become a full time college student, living away from home for the first time, the whole shebang. I know I'm going to see a pair of Christian Louboutins in the Brown Thomas Christmas sale and buy them and then have no money for food for the rest of the year. I must learn control.

Today I read an article about encouraging children to read during the summer, they say children who become addicted to books will love books all their life. I couldn't agree more. I have loved books all my life, and something I strongly associate with summer time is Harry Potter midnight releases and library reading competitions.

"I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
- The Book Thief.


  1. ya shoulda bought that thing in penneys, whatever it was. D:

    i have been engaged in a life-long love affair with books too. :')


  2. thanks for the comment, you're my first follower :D
    Whilst i'm not a big fan of the twilight series i'm with you 100% with reading, i loved it as a kid and still do now! x
