I am so frazzled. I'm not even stressed. I'm just frazzled. When I was baking a cake I put the egg shell in the mixing bowl and the gooey bit in the bin.
Deep breath. Phew.
Pre's starting tomorrow. Eeek. N0t really, it'll all be grand, except Stair na Gaeilge but I've two weeks to learn that. At least Pres will be a break from regular school, and they'll pass quickly. And then it'll be March and the end will really be in sight then.
Four months and this will all be over. Nothing but a rather unpleasant memory.
And in time, this too, shall pass.
We had our photo taken Wednesday. The man had a squeeky duck puppet to make his smile. It worked. Everyone looked extra fancy and lovely with their ties done up and their hair all nice.
I cried in PE on Friday like a baby after I got hit in the head with a hockey stick. Yet another reason to add to the 'Why I Hate Hockey' list. It's crazy the only sports the Abbey provides for girls is hockey and tag rugby. Oh and first year basketball. And we fail at them all. While the boys go off gallivanting to hurling matches every other day. Grr.
I don't feel so good after eating some cake mix. I think it's because it's full of raw eggs. But it just tastes so good.
Note to self: wear my glasses more in case I go truly blind and have to wear them all the time. Because I can read the little sky synopsis anymore without them.
Yay for LOST's return. Looks like some answers are heading my way. Is anyone except Jess, Aonghus and I even watching it anymore? Though I've truly only stuck with it from spite. Skins on the other hand is a massive disappointment. I think it's because I'm older than them now. And they annoy me with the apparent lack of money but never ending cycle of Topshop clothes. Pfft. Though Emily is a doll.
Also watched another dismal TV3 reality tv show, Take Me Out. That poor Rian. She stays in to the end every time but never wins.
Tut tut tut. Must hot boys always smoke?
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