Where does the time go? Christmas is nearly here and I'm proid to say I'm ready on time as usual.
Friday was fun. It was just so nice after exams and stress and work to just go out and have a drink and a dance and girly moments and bad photos and just let go.
Today was a lovely day, thank you very much Mr. O' Keefe for giving us all crisps and chocolate just because it's christmas. What a lovely thing to do (:
I can't write properly. This blog isn't as expressive or as flowing as it usually is. I owe this to the fact that I got 72% on my English Christmas test because I 'misinterperated' the diary entry. God forbid I should think outside the box. And I know 72% is not terrible, far from it, but it's the worst I've ever gotten in English. Ever. And that kind of thing is important to me. But, it's just Christmas tests. It's not the big LC.
I'm so excited f0r Christmas and a camera that works inside.
'misinterperated' is spelt wrong