In evading the inevitable mushroom cloud of cigar smoke that accompanies Christmas in a house full of smokers I had the lovely experience of finding a present I hadn't opened. It turned out to be slipper socks and a hair set, which was nice (:So glad I didn't head to town last night, I hear it was the usual Stephen's night, too busy and full of knacks. Instead a few bottles down 'the local' was just perfect. So much for 'we stop serving at half eleven' when it's two o' clock.Then up relatively early this morning to hit the sales which were a massive disappointment. All I got was two shirt dresses and an admittedly lovely handbag. River Island was little over sized sunglasses and Ugg boots at dawn. Madness. I'm regretting not buying the shiny black leggings, they might have made a nice contrast with florals. But alas, they are a dime a dozen any time of the year.New Year's Eve, anyone have plans somewhere a little less far reaching than Dunmore East? Because a combination of having no where to stay, work until at least eleven and no lift out means I will more than likely be ringing in 2010 with Reeling In The Years.I'll be attending a dinner party on Monday chez Cliodhna, how very grown up.Resolution time is fast approaching as per usual I will make many and keep none.
Hello Blog my old friend, I apologise for my absence of late, True Blood has taken over my evenings as I feared.This blog is for Breffni as requested, Breffni's the best girl really, and it's her birthday. Yay! Night out tmw? Maybe, Idk yet. I do have a dress, and I've been looking for an excuse to wear it.
I went to Avatar last night and as per typical escapades with Eoghan, something went wrong. This time the hiccup was that it was sold out, but four hours late we saw it, and it was great, unlike any other film I've seen. A little thin when it came to the plot, but the special effects more than made up for it, talk about 3D being the way forward.
Do you think there's any chance of a white one? I'd like to think so, but we're just as likely to have a heat wave or a monsoon. This is Ireland.
I'm lucky in my life, I'm talking felix felicis lucky.
School (Y)
Friends (Y)
Family (Y)
Love Life (Y)
Just one thing, I wish the sixth of May would hurry up.
Where does the time go? Christmas is nearly here and I'm proid to say I'm ready on time as usual.Friday was fun. It was just so nice after exams and stress and work to just go out and have a drink and a dance and girly moments and bad photos and just let go.Today was a lovely day, thank you very much Mr. O' Keefe for giving us all crisps and chocolate just because it's christmas. What a lovely thing to do (:I can't write properly. This blog isn't as expressive or as flowing as it usually is. I owe this to the fact that I got 72% on my English Christmas test because I 'misinterperated' the diary entry. God forbid I should think outside the box. And I know 72% is not terrible, far from it, but it's the worst I've ever gotten in English. Ever. And that kind of thing is important to me. But, it's just Christmas tests. It's not the big LC.I'm so excited f0r Christmas and a camera that works inside.
Opposite ladies' Dunnes in town there is a tiny new vintage shop. And it is HEAVEN compressed into one cramped, over heated space. There I found my perfect Christmas dress, and I mean perfect. Sigh.Today was a nice day, despite the rain and over spending of my meagre funds. But worth it.More mini emos than ever are springing up out of the ground lately, though maybe that's just my lack of consistent town going.Going to watch The X Factor with my dad tonight. Yay! My dad's the best girl really.To start watching True Blood or not? I really don't need another vampire related obsession, but at the same time, the Criminal Minds void must be filled somehow.
I love that my first name comes near the top of alphabetical lists, because I get loads of gifts on Farmville. It's the job.I love reminiscing, God be with the days when when emo was really just getting started and My Chemical Romance were the reason for my very existence, and if you didn't have a massive man's jumper from Penneys', you just weren't cool. And purposely chipped nail varnish, and the Nightmare Before Christmas and standing around in Red Square every single Saturday even though it was freezing. And all my clothes were black, and my tshirts were too big for me and I meticulously straightened my hair every day and my laces were different colours.They were good times. They've brought me to be who I am now, it was a gradual transition, I didn't just get up one day and throw on a high waisted skirt and a cardigan. Oh no.
Y'know the way there's always a trouser press in hotel rooms? Has anyone ever actually used one? Because during the summer I tried, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what to do. I don't why this thought came to me or why I decided to share it with you. But I'm honestly curiouse. Hurry up May and my 18th. I want freedom to go out without the hassle of trying to get ID. Any one willing to provide for next Friday night? No? I've got Scott on the case though, with his college connections. So hopefully. I love Laura, she's so unintentionally funny. Do you feel like you're famous now Laura, being mentioned on the internet?Good night.
I'm the most inconsistent blogger. Honestly for someone who has so much to say in real life, I fall rather silent when it comes to organising my thoughts into an internet friendly format.
Christmas exams next week, where did the first two school terms go? I'm not stressed, I have no reason to be. Well maybe a little about Irish, but that's to be expected.
I had such a lovely weekend, and got all my christmas shopping down well in advance. No running around town like a lunatic on Christmas eve for me. I'm not that person. I'm all about organisation.I want every other Ciara to change their names, so that I'm the only one left. Because seriously, I am getting a crick in my neck every time someone calls a different Ciara. Nightmare tbh.
Ian's birthday night out next Friday, can't wait tbh. And secretly delighted it's not on Saturday, X Factor final like. I'm looking forward to getting dressed up more than anything. Oh and terribly dancing. I'm happy and healthy and not crippled from exam stress and I got a replacement phone today, so all is well.