I apologise for my rather prolonged absence from the wonderful world of blogging. And by prolonged I mean around a week, which is quite a bit considering I have been quite the regular since good old August when in the pre-debs days which went achingly slowly, I found amusement in sharing my thoughts with the wider world.
Yet times change, but I wouldn't change a thing as the McDonald's ad goes. Very unlike me, this blog will be unaccompanied by a picture. As perusing weheartit.com leads to distractions and as a result, a pretty artsy picture above one line of blog. Pathetic.
Dancing at Lunghasa finished since I last wrote and I must say I enjoyed it much more than King Lear or Wuthering Heights, it was a little more relatable and understandable. Austen era literature isn't my thing to be honest, wonderful and all as others find it.
I have also found that writing poems is not my strong suit, and that my group's poem on relationships for religion consisted of lines such as 'with your daughter or son have some happy fun.' WB Yeats eat your heart out.
I will now shamelessly plug Operation Christmas Child, and encourage everybody to make a bow because they literally cost next to nothing to fill, and it's so fun t do and you feel excellent after it. Like you've really made a difference, because you have.
I'm incredibly excited for New Moon, and my inner crazy fangirl is taking over as I repeatedly watch every trailer, yet do my hardest not to watch clips. Because I'd basically seen Twilight through all the clips and previews I watched online. Sigh.
I love Halloween TFLN. They are my motivation to study now, go to college, and have nights out filled with hilarity and shot glasses carved from potatoes. Which brings me on to my my new favourite youtube video, in a roundabout way, 'They're taking the hobbits to Isengard', because th more Legolas says it, the crazier his accent gets.
Congratulations John and Edward, who officially swayed me to their corner last weekend. Because I was really on the fence before hand, but for the pure entertainment value, I yield.
I got all hopeful that I would be getting a new phone, but alas it seems destined not to happen. Damn you Vodafone and your selfish ways. I have never before appreciated being meteor so much. Free texts ftw like.
Transmission over I guess.
Comment lovelies.
(605): I've seriously contemplated telling him the baby isn't his just so I can meet Maury Povich