Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Mime That Shakes The Barley

Today was the definition of an unproductive day, I watched the first season of Prison Break on the internet ate some crisps for lunch. I forgot how good Series One of PB actually was, how clever. Pity it all went downhill from there.

I've never wanted a year to be over more in my life, just hurry up Leaving Cert and let's move onto the next stage of my life. I really feel like I'm ready, y'know? Although I also want to savour my last year of school, make some more memories. But most of all, no regrets.

I don't really have regrets, I mean, what's the point? Regretting doing something isn't going to change the fact that it happened. So cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. Because one thing's for sure, bitching and moaning changes nothing. Take chances, take a leap of faith, because you will always regret the things you don't do more than the things you do. Learn from your mistakes, because history has developed a nasty habit of repeating itself.

I'm looking forward to this weekend, shopping and Cork, wonderful. And seeing Katie, also wonderful, because it doesn't happen enough. And it gives me ample oppurtunity to make a list. God how I adore making lists.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Team Edward

New Moon. Jesus Christ. Amazing, a thousand times better than I expected it to be. Despite the abundance of Jacob Black I loved it. I'm still now over it as my stilted typing may suggest. It was so obvious they had a bigger production budget, no more Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon style stunts.
But yeah, wow. Get to Storm and see it NOW.

I felt as if we were drowning in a sea of Team Jacob though, unfortunately. Yet order was restored when Edward returned. The people behind us appreciated our running commentary yet the people in front did not. Typical Team Jacob.

There was nice little touches thrown in here and there, like Alice hopping the handrail. And the biggest shocker of all; I didn't hate Kristen Stewart in it. She was rather likeable and much more Bella-able. I'm well impressed with the new director. And it was funny. Like I'm actually laughing out loud, not pretending to to fill conversation gaps online.

I fell a little more in love with RPatzz on his final line. 'Marry me?' In a heartbeat.

I want to see Eclipse now as soon as possible. At least we don't have to wait a whole year again, as it's due for release at the start of July. Then we'll see who's laughing when Jacob gets continuously pwnd.

So yeah, as you may have guessed, I enjoyed the film. Totally dazzled.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Today was a nice day

And now I will search for an equally nice layout for my blog, as I'm a little tired of the standard layout, and I'm not so good with the codes, as you can see by the absence of my florals. I want a pretty me layout. But they are oh so difficult to come by. Links anyone?

Today really was a nice calm day for myself, I studied, and read a book, and helped my mam make vol au vonts, and put on a face mask and ate apple crumble. Lovely. I feel relaxed now with an evening full of nothing but X Factor and pyjamas stretching out ahead of me.

Friday was also lovely, just nice to be together, y'know? Nice to just talk and catch up and hug it out.

I got a new dress on Saturday which made my day as it was only fifteen euro and a size smaller than I usually buy. Job. My collection of navy dresses seems to be ever increasing. To the people who say they can never find anything in aWear, where are you looking? Their sales are the bee knees. But alas, to each their own. I'm really trying to get student savvy and only purchasing in sales, or things with some sort of durability.

Waterproof shoes are a luxury I have not know till this year, thank you leather for being impervious to rainfall and keeping my usually chilly enough feet from further hardship. Cold feet aside, I love winter. I love woollies and coats and Christmas lights.

I'm so excited for blonde Laura, it'll be such a change. I'm up for a change, but I'll wait till after the Leaving Cert, keep it as a reward for hard work. Leaving Cert, such a dirty word.

Thank you blogger for automatically saving things for me as I go along, as my computer has developed a nasty habit of not responding most of the time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This is a positive blog. It's url address alone should tell you that. Though every day isn't a sunny day, my days are usually filled with smiles. And it's not always me who does the smiling. Why shouldn't I be positive? I have a good life, full of positive influences. Not saying everything is constantly hunky dory because it isn't, but things are nice. Some people can blog depressed, but I never could. I am not a spill my feelings to the world person, I'm bottle it up then have a good cry person. Which is a little self destructive, but works for me.

I'm liking the current weather, it's fresh, rejuvenating. A clear, cold, dry day can be just what the doctor ordered. 'Healthy air' as Breffni's mam would say. I feel better as I breathe it, cleansed. Though sadly, like all good things, it must come to an end. But it'll be back.

I am so glad of Tuesday evenings, tea, yoga and a break from study. It just breaks the routine y'know? Because half eight to six every single day is hard. And it wears on me, but "Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion" is a good motto I think to apply to the leaving cert. Because anything worth having is worth working hard for.

To the people who keep telling me college Irish is hard, I know it's going to be hard. Do you honestly think I just decided on it on a whim? I have looked in to it, I know what it will entail.

I'm looking forward to seeing 'the roomies' on Saturday, nice to catch up, reminisce about the three weeks we spent in each other's constant company, and without a single argument. Impossible is nothing eh? Golly, I'm making quite a lot of Mohammad Ali references in this blog.

Though I adore winter, one thing I don't like about it is cold feet, hands and nose. I must have terrible circulation because my extremities are always have frozen from November to March. But it gives me an excuse to wear woolly scarves and hats and mittens, and I am now on a mission to find ear muffs. Any chance anyone saw them in Penney's?

Are people afraid to be happy? Do they think it will make them seem arrogant or condescending to those who don't have everything going just right for them?

Never forget that you are loveable and capable. And never forget that you're alive.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more."
-Erica Jong

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I apologise for my rather prolonged absence from the wonderful world of blogging. And by prolonged I mean around a week, which is quite a bit considering I have been quite the regular since good old August when in the pre-debs days which went achingly slowly, I found amusement in sharing my thoughts with the wider world.

Yet times change, but I wouldn't change a thing as the McDonald's ad goes. Very unlike me, this blog will be unaccompanied by a picture. As perusing leads to distractions and as a result, a pretty artsy picture above one line of blog. Pathetic.

Dancing at Lunghasa finished since I last wrote and I must say I enjoyed it much more than King Lear or Wuthering Heights, it was a little more relatable and understandable. Austen era literature isn't my thing to be honest, wonderful and all as others find it.

I have also found that writing poems is not my strong suit, and that my group's poem on relationships for religion consisted of lines such as 'with your daughter or son have some happy fun.' WB Yeats eat your heart out.

I will now shamelessly plug Operation Christmas Child, and encourage everybody to make a bow because they literally cost next to nothing to fill, and it's so fun t do and you feel excellent after it. Like you've really made a difference, because you have.

I'm incredibly excited for New Moon, and my inner crazy fangirl is taking over as I repeatedly watch every trailer, yet do my hardest not to watch clips. Because I'd basically seen Twilight through all the clips and previews I watched online. Sigh.

I love Halloween TFLN. They are my motivation to study now, go to college, and have nights out filled with hilarity and shot glasses carved from potatoes. Which brings me on to my my new favourite youtube video, in a roundabout way, 'They're taking the hobbits to Isengard', because th more Legolas says it, the crazier his accent gets.

Congratulations John and Edward, who officially swayed me to their corner last weekend. Because I was really on the fence before hand, but for the pure entertainment value, I yield.

I got all hopeful that I would be getting a new phone, but alas it seems destined not to happen. Damn you Vodafone and your selfish ways. I have never before appreciated being meteor so much. Free texts ftw like.

Transmission over I guess.
Comment lovelies.