I've never wanted a year to be over more in my life, just hurry up Leaving Cert and let's move onto the next stage of my life. I really feel like I'm ready, y'know? Although I also want to savour my last year of school, make some more memories. But most of all, no regrets.
I don't really have regrets, I mean, what's the point? Regretting doing something isn't going to change the fact that it happened. So cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. Because one thing's for sure, bitching and moaning changes nothing. Take chances, take a leap of faith, because you will always regret the things you don't do more than the things you do. Learn from your mistakes, because history has developed a nasty habit of repeating itself.
I'm looking forward to this weekend, shopping and Cork, wonderful. And seeing Katie, also wonderful, because it doesn't happen enough. And it gives me ample oppurtunity to make a list. God how I adore making lists.