Thank you Shona for the best LOL I've had in ages. Upon reading your blog, I looked up 'Greatest Freak out Ever' and hilarity ensued.
I know anything more than 1.50 minutes is considered long in Youtube time, but it's quite worth it. All over the cancellation of a WOW account. Can't believe I just referred to it in abbreviation form. Sick.
I could also be worse my friend.
I'm excited for Halloween, I know it's not for another month but I have such great dress up plans which must be realised. Should I risk The Forum or a party? If anyone's having one that is, which I assume they will be, but you know what they say about assuming.
First test of the year tomorrow, in Irish. Níl Aon Ní? No botherzzz. That's a slightly less depressing one than the others.
Phone calls at night are so lovely, especially when I'm half asleep and don't really know what I'm mumbling about through my retainer. How romantic. I also love private jokes, and hangman in maths frees and making fancy History notes.
Golly, I am so tired. An early night for me a I think, with lots of pillows and blankets. Mmm.
All for now lovelies, comment.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Someone make plans for me. Please. Or give me suggestions. Because for the first time aaages I'm not working Friday or Saturday night. Now Friday I have lovely cultural plans ie. I'm going to a Midsummer Night's Dream.

However; Saturday. It stands wide open. Preferably Saturday night, so I can wear nice clothes. That'd be great tbh, because my school jumper is wayy to big and I feel horribly dowdy in it, so a chance to wear nice clothes would be more than welcome.
UCC Open Day next Saturday, get to check what will hopefully be my home from home starting from next year. Fingers crossed. English and Irish through 'Orts. Maybe something like Celtic Civilization or Greek and Roman studies through in there for the heck of it in First Year. Sigh, what a dream, being surrounded by English and Irish every week day.
Why is school forcing CAO choice on me? A talk from the WIT Business school? Pfft no interest. I'd much rather go to my scheduled religion class and continue watching Wako and identifying all the people in it from Desperate Housewives. I have and never will have any intention of going to the WIT, unless something terrible happens like my dad loses his job. And even then, I wouldn't do Business. I have the most unbusiness like mind. The only thrill it could possibly give is from organisation. I do like organisation.
I will never want to do science or any kind either, hence why I gave it up after the big JC. I won't be a doctor, not of medicine anyway. So in future, unless your open wound is spewing the complete literary works of James Joyce, I am of no use.
Yes I am a crazy nerd, I have the glasses and all, though they are not as huge as I would like them to be. I really enjoy Irish, I truly do. Yet I feel I am one of very few
I could change that. I really could. I could make people want to learn Irish. Couldn't I?
I wish people would stop trying to discourage me from teaching, yes I know there's no jobs AT THE MOMENT. But think five years down the line. And if the worst comes to the worst, I'll just do grinds. Fifty euro an hour for an Irish grind? I'll have it made.
I regret eating so many buns today. But they were just so delicious, taunting me with their luscious icing and cherries my mam cuts in the shape of hearts. Curse them.
I'm uploading videos to my iPod atm for the first time ever. I'm not sure how well it's going to work out because though my iPod is yellow and lovely, it's screen is rather small.
Recently I've found myself trying to justify my over use of the word 'lovely'. But I find it such a perfect description for the kind of things I like, tea pots and florals and pandas.
Once again my feelings have been summed up by a post reject;

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Or maybe not
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
I like pictures. Maybe if the whole Irish/English teaching thing doesn't work out for me, I'll be a photographer. Yeah, like it's that easy. I'd take so many photos in the rain.
I'd like to be a quirky fashion photographer, but I think being surrounded by skinny models all day would depress me, and then I wouldn't want to do it anymore.
Then I'd be a painter, a professional one, not a 'this is what I do on the side' kind of painter. And I'd do paintings of people in the rain.
I wouldn't be gone on being a tattoo artist tbh. One: I'd imagine rain is fairly difficult to tattoo. [ta]Two - see what I did there?: The majority of people have stupid tattoos.
Realistically, a teacher is probably my dream job. My ideal dream would be: Secretary General of the UN. But I'm not inspiring enough.
Geez, all this rambling about my future is a little boring for you dear reader, is it not? Time for a subject change then.
Being in love is nice. Really nice. More than nice. I'm in one of those skipping through fields of buttercups in a blue dress mood right now.
Do you have to be in love to be happy? Do the two go hand in hand? I wouldn't think so, but then I wouldn't know. Although I do know lots of people who aren't in love and they're happy. But then I know other people you aren't in love and they're unhappy. But maybe it's for different reasons.
Quick two and a half years yeah?
I thought writing blogs woudl help me organise my thoughts. But it hasn't. It just leads me off on rambling trains of thoughts I didn't even know I had.
Breffni; if you're reading this, you left pink knitted socks in my house a few weeks ago, they only recently surfaced when I went looking for socks.
I only recently discoveed there's an 'anonymous comment' option in the drop down box under the comment box after some random person commented me. Thank you btw, Mr. Stranger. It's nice, handy.
I only recently discoveed there's an 'anonymous comment' option in the drop down box under the comment box after some random person commented me. Thank you btw, Mr. Stranger. It's nice, handy.
I've got beef with postsecret; STOP KEEPING ALL THE GOOD ONES FOR THE BOOKS.
Comment lovelies. x
Comment lovelies. x
Thursday, September 24, 2009
happy birthday bruce
Bruce Springsteen's 60th Birthday was yesterday, some man for one man. He's looking well, I'm telling ya'.
Let's hope he manages another few years so that I might finally get to see him live.
Speaking of birthdays, there is an abundance of 18ths coming up in the following months. Yes bah', cos it means partyparty. Whey bah', cos it means buying presents with money I don't really have. And some 18th's I obviously have to buy good presents for.
I love buying presents more than I like getting them. Though I do enjoy receiving them, obvz. But I love really putting thought into things and picking out the perfect gift. And then seeing people's face when they open it and really like it, it's just great.
I like walking. Walks are nice, calming. I'd prefer to walk somewhere a little more scenic than the main Dublin road, but beggars can't be choosers.
I like school, school is going well. And though I have many many essays to do over the weekend, it's all right with me. Because at least I'll be doing something productive.
Adam's first birthday party on Sunday, I can't wait tbh. I love family things, because my family is nice. There's no closet alcoholic cousin who rambles in around Christmas, everyone is just fine. More than fine even. All a little eccentric, but in the best way possible.
Everyone seems to talk about their feelings in these blogs. But I haven't had much of a crisis lately, so I'm feeling generally quite content, as per usual. I'm glad there's no drama of the destructive, distracting nature.
One thing that's annoying me; when will the school stop asking for money? Buying papers, school contribution, study money, geography field study. It never ends. And I know I'm not the one coughing up, but that makes it worse. My parents spend enough on school for me as it is without ten euro for a useless study skills course that we had to do.
This has been an incredibly slow week, it's dragged so much. I think it's just because I'm so tired this week. Early night tonight. Fixes everything in my opinion.
AWOL: an apple. It disappeared in my room. I don't know where it's gone. It literally vanished into thin air along with my tie.
C'est tout pour maintenant. Au revoir.
Let's hope he manages another few years so that I might finally get to see him live.
Speaking of birthdays, there is an abundance of 18ths coming up in the following months. Yes bah', cos it means partyparty. Whey bah', cos it means buying presents with money I don't really have. And some 18th's I obviously have to buy good presents for.
I love buying presents more than I like getting them. Though I do enjoy receiving them, obvz. But I love really putting thought into things and picking out the perfect gift. And then seeing people's face when they open it and really like it, it's just great.
I like walking. Walks are nice, calming. I'd prefer to walk somewhere a little more scenic than the main Dublin road, but beggars can't be choosers.
I like school, school is going well. And though I have many many essays to do over the weekend, it's all right with me. Because at least I'll be doing something productive.
Adam's first birthday party on Sunday, I can't wait tbh. I love family things, because my family is nice. There's no closet alcoholic cousin who rambles in around Christmas, everyone is just fine. More than fine even. All a little eccentric, but in the best way possible.
Everyone seems to talk about their feelings in these blogs. But I haven't had much of a crisis lately, so I'm feeling generally quite content, as per usual. I'm glad there's no drama of the destructive, distracting nature.
One thing that's annoying me; when will the school stop asking for money? Buying papers, school contribution, study money, geography field study. It never ends. And I know I'm not the one coughing up, but that makes it worse. My parents spend enough on school for me as it is without ten euro for a useless study skills course that we had to do.
This has been an incredibly slow week, it's dragged so much. I think it's just because I'm so tired this week. Early night tonight. Fixes everything in my opinion.
AWOL: an apple. It disappeared in my room. I don't know where it's gone. It literally vanished into thin air along with my tie.
C'est tout pour maintenant. Au revoir.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wouldn't you love to be one of those people who write books? What do you call them? Oh yes, authors. I wish. It has all the financial benefits of being a celebrity, and none of the drawbacks. Unless you're looking to be on the cover of Heat like yer woman on The X Factor last night, the hot prison teacher. She was surprisingly likeable and surprisingly talented.
Pretty ordinary weekend.
My Friday was lovely, better than Mc Sourface who works in the chipper in Thomastown's Friday anyway, judging by the look on her face.
Saturday was ordinary. I got to see my granny which was great! Then workywork, which went incredibly smoothly, which is always a good thing. I very nearly dropped an entire stack of plate, but didn't. Well done me. But, to the ignorant culchies on my table; stop lying and saying they let you sit in the ballroom while the changed the room around for dancing the last time you were in the Tower. No they didn't, that's lies.
Sunday, morning got off to a bad start when I went to make toast, and there was an already buttered slice after being put back into the packet. Not acceptable. It turned me off the idea of toast completely, and I had to have Weetabix instead. And I'm not a big toast fan, it's a big deal that I had decided to have it for breakfast. Ruined. I finally got to see 500 Days Of Summer after much changing of plans. It was so good, so unusual, and so not cliche. Her clothes were my dream wardrobe, especially the dress she wore to the wedding. Fabulous. I'm now convinced I want a full fringe, after to-ing and fro-ing over it for months.
Caught the repeat of the VMA's. Lady Gaga was amazing, i rewound it to watch it again. The Michael Jackson tribute was very fitting, though I just wish someone less annoying than Madonna had given the introduction.
So over all, a nice weekend (:
I did an application on Facebook of '5 celebrities you want to be trapped inside a lift with' or something like that. So I picked, Tom Felton so he could sing me folk songs in his lovely English accent, Maury because like c'mon, he's a hero. Marilyn Monroe, just to gaze at her, Chris Garver to beg him for a tattoo, and Kofi Annan, so I can thank him for all the amazing quotes I included in my Concern debates.
Speaking of, I want to go to college so I can debate. I miss debating so much. And I know it'll be on a way more competitive level, but that's all the better for me tbh.
'If only, if only the woodpecker cries, the bark on the trees was as soft as the skies, while the wolf waits below hungry and lonely, and cries to the moon; if only, if only'
Comment, le do thoil x
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Benylin for cough and congestion could actually be used as a tranquilliser. Seriously. The packet said '2 spoons ever four hours' but me thinking, like an idiot 'I'll be asleep for eight hours' so I took four spoons. And I barely made it to bed, it made me incredibly sleepy.
I think the benylin is the cause of my bizarre dreams lately. Although I can ever only remember tiny pieces of them. Which is more than usual.
Maybe I should get a dream journal, or maybe I should write about them here?
'Can't open your locker' is a very common dream according to the internet. But it happened to me in reality, and it's never happened in my dreams.
'Teeth falling out' is the most common dream apparently. I've had one, and when I mentioned it in passing I've found loads of other people have had it. In the dream, loads of teeth start falling out of my mouth and I'm trying to catch them in my hands but I can't. Which apparently means I'm worried about how other people perceive me.
Which I guess I am. But not to an obsessive extent. More that, I like to be presentable, it's important to me. And I've kind of come to accept that once I'm happy with how I look, I shouldn't care what other people think. But it's hard.
Now, time for a ramble:
Finally going to 500 Days Of Summer on Saturday, and also having a lovely girly evening.
My new internet obsession is playing 20 questions online. I mean, how do they guess so accurately?
Am I the only person excited for Lost to come back? Just because it means it's one episode closer to finally being over. Are Aonghus and I the only people who have stuck with it this far? It's out of spite. I want to prove that I have stayed with it, despite it becoming increasingly more ridiculous.
On a tv related note, who does Kanye West think he is?! I'm not a Taylor Swift fan tbh, but if people voted for her, then she deserved the award.
I can't wait for Friday.
Slán xo
I think the benylin is the cause of my bizarre dreams lately. Although I can ever only remember tiny pieces of them. Which is more than usual.
Maybe I should get a dream journal, or maybe I should write about them here?
'Can't open your locker' is a very common dream according to the internet. But it happened to me in reality, and it's never happened in my dreams.
'Teeth falling out' is the most common dream apparently. I've had one, and when I mentioned it in passing I've found loads of other people have had it. In the dream, loads of teeth start falling out of my mouth and I'm trying to catch them in my hands but I can't. Which apparently means I'm worried about how other people perceive me.
Which I guess I am. But not to an obsessive extent. More that, I like to be presentable, it's important to me. And I've kind of come to accept that once I'm happy with how I look, I shouldn't care what other people think. But it's hard.
Now, time for a ramble:
Finally going to 500 Days Of Summer on Saturday, and also having a lovely girly evening.
My new internet obsession is playing 20 questions online. I mean, how do they guess so accurately?
Am I the only person excited for Lost to come back? Just because it means it's one episode closer to finally being over. Are Aonghus and I the only people who have stuck with it this far? It's out of spite. I want to prove that I have stayed with it, despite it becoming increasingly more ridiculous.
On a tv related note, who does Kanye West think he is?! I'm not a Taylor Swift fan tbh, but if people voted for her, then she deserved the award.
I can't wait for Friday.
Slán xo
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I know this blog is called 'daily ramblings', but I have realised today, that I waffle like crazy. Seriously, I talk in circles.
Today, I couldn't open my locker. And it was the end of the day, and I'd had double french and didn't have any other books with me. So I was like, twenty minutes late for study, which was not a complete tragedy, but basically . . Why me?
Why am I so unfortunte when it comes to simple things? I can never open doors. I knock things constantly. My shopping bags rip. My change falls down the side of the car. When I drop cds on smooth surfaces it take me ages to pick them up. I leave tissues in my clothes then put them in the wash.
I will never survive the real world on my own. I can't iron. I don't know how to wash clothes. I need college room mates who didn't have stay at home mams.
some deserve second chances. Some don't.
Some use up their second chance. And that's it, you don't geta do over.
But remember people can change, and it's not always for the worst.
People can make positive changes. Some people really try to make positive changes. But it's hard. Some needs you need to ask for help. You're not in this all alone.
Because, as Muhammad Ali said, 'If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, then they can sure ashell make something out of you.'
Some use up their second chance. And that's it, you don't geta do over.
But remember people can change, and it's not always for the worst.
People can make positive changes. Some people really try to make positive changes. But it's hard. Some needs you need to ask for help. You're not in this all alone.
Because, as Muhammad Ali said, 'If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, then they can sure ashell make something out of you.'
Monday, September 14, 2009
my laptop was made on a monday morning
I am utterly convinced that there is a little tiny idiot living inside my computer, reading the manual upside down.
I don't know how I feel about this strange weather we're having, I believe in was called 'sunshine' in the times gone by. I wish nature would just make up it's mind. I mean, do I need to buy a coat or not?
Got my list of first years today! I don't have any of the weird ones, I don't think. First year flirting is adorable. We were really convinced that the way to let someone know you like them is to be mean to them? Madness.
I want it to be my birthday so badly. I just want to be eighteen, it would make my life so much easier. Or I want someone who looks vaguely like, who is eighteen, and can provide me with ID.
The Blizzards in Electric Avenue in like two weeks, anyone up for it?
Another Monday morning over and done with, only thirty or so left in school time. I will never be able to get myself out of bed for lectures on Mondays. I just hope they start at like . . twelve. I could survive that. Eásca peasca.
Professional debs photo arrives tomorrow! I hope I don't look like I'm made of cardboard, they posed us so much. Crazy.
"Once upon a time, a boy and a girl fell in love and, despite the odds being stacked against them, got their happily ever after."
Dandelions. Make a wish.
I don't know how I feel about this strange weather we're having, I believe in was called 'sunshine' in the times gone by. I wish nature would just make up it's mind. I mean, do I need to buy a coat or not?
Got my list of first years today! I don't have any of the weird ones, I don't think. First year flirting is adorable. We were really convinced that the way to let someone know you like them is to be mean to them? Madness.
I want it to be my birthday so badly. I just want to be eighteen, it would make my life so much easier. Or I want someone who looks vaguely like, who is eighteen, and can provide me with ID.
The Blizzards in Electric Avenue in like two weeks, anyone up for it?
Another Monday morning over and done with, only thirty or so left in school time. I will never be able to get myself out of bed for lectures on Mondays. I just hope they start at like . . twelve. I could survive that. Eásca peasca.
Professional debs photo arrives tomorrow! I hope I don't look like I'm made of cardboard, they posed us so much. Crazy.
"Once upon a time, a boy and a girl fell in love and, despite the odds being stacked against them, got their happily ever after."
Dandelions. Make a wish.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
ramblings update
"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."
I'm almost embarrassed to say that today was the first time I saw '10 Things I Hate About You', and I loved it. I'm usually not a fan of films based off classic novels/plays ie Brigdet Jones Vs Pride and Prejudice, but I really enjoyed this movie. Which leads me onto a second confession;
I am a sucker for cheesy high school movies. It's unbelievable.
I worked so much this weekend, which was excellent because I now have money. I also got another little Buddha and a little line of elephants. Which I love.
I did a face book app. on 'what's your patronus?' and I got a squirrel. Which is scarely accurate as the description was, 'you are organised and always believe in being prepared. Sometimes too prepared.' that is me to a tee. I am a Monica, I enjoy organising things.
I was on the opposite end of things for the De La Salle debs; serving. Which wasn't too bad. But still. I know you didn't want your turkey and ham because you were full of bread, but did you have to stuff it into the milk jug? Also, when I'm carrying twenty wine glasses across a vomit-slippery floor, is not the best time to moonwalk into me.
On another, Colin was elimanted from Make Me A Supermodel, so I am not transferring my support to Jonathan!
Back to school tomorrow, one day closer to exam time. I just want this year to be over and done with so badly. It's stressing me way too much. Irish, so much Irish, I just can't learn it all. There's no room in my head. And I love Irish, I really do, but I don't love 'Bimse Buan ar Buairt Gach Ló' I mean, 'I am in constant sorrow every day'? What were they thinking setting that poem on course? I am a happy person. Could the not translate a Mika song or something?
Post secrets are good this weekend, somewhat less depressing than they have been. Though has provided some good laughs.
I didn't get to dress up once this weekend because of work. Not even a little bit for town. So next weekend, regardless of where I'm going, I want to wear something nice and be fancy. No uniforms of the work or school variety.
The new Hello Kitty range in the Argos catalogue has me all excited!
'If they were to make a reality tv show of my life, it would probably suck, though not as bad as Flavour Of Love."
Highlight of a weekend that was rather dreary considering the sunshine, was that hour on the trampoline. Chatting is nice.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
gasp, I almost forgot the title.
I'm so proud of myself. I studied, actually studied. Not a lot, like an hour not including homework, but still. A lot for me, cos I find it really hard to get started studying. then I'm grand. The flood gates have now been opened.
600 points here I come.
Haha, no way. I do not care for points, once I get what I want, then I'm happy. Don't let yourself get caught up in that kind of malarkey, it disturbs people in my opinion.
We had to write a satire piece for English, and I wrote mine on . . . Celebrity Humanitarians! Which pretty much turned into 'Bono is a pompous tool'. Yeah the people of Ghana are starving and need blankets. Blankets U2's hotel could easily provide, no?
Some people just defy logic in my opinion.
And on the subject of irritating people; people who stop in the middle of the hall! They actually deserve to be shot for holding up the whole place. My timekeeping skills are bad enough as they are without further hinderances, thank you very much.
I can't wait for teach mhuire to get tables and chairs, because the floor is dusty, and dust is hard to get off tights. But as a whole, teach mhuire is nice.
Linkage time;
I realise this is a really well known song, and I'm probably not introducing the majority of people to something new, but it's a great song.
Portugal is not Spain. Good girl.
600 points here I come.
Haha, no way. I do not care for points, once I get what I want, then I'm happy. Don't let yourself get caught up in that kind of malarkey, it disturbs people in my opinion.
We had to write a satire piece for English, and I wrote mine on . . . Celebrity Humanitarians! Which pretty much turned into 'Bono is a pompous tool'. Yeah the people of Ghana are starving and need blankets. Blankets U2's hotel could easily provide, no?
Some people just defy logic in my opinion.
And on the subject of irritating people; people who stop in the middle of the hall! They actually deserve to be shot for holding up the whole place. My timekeeping skills are bad enough as they are without further hinderances, thank you very much.
I can't wait for teach mhuire to get tables and chairs, because the floor is dusty, and dust is hard to get off tights. But as a whole, teach mhuire is nice.
Linkage time;
I realise this is a really well known song, and I'm probably not introducing the majority of people to something new, but it's a great song.
Portugal is not Spain. Good girl.
Monday, September 7, 2009
So, today in religion class, we had to write down our 'motto', something we believe in. So I came up with 'The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return'.
And that really got me thinking, what is love?
People say it all the time, yet rarely mean it, we're all guilty of it, myself included. Like, I say I LOVE my new scarf. But I don't, not really.
Why do people throw it around like it's nothing? Because it isn't. Love is the furthest from nothing anything could possibly be. Love is everything. Everything.
From today on, I vow, I shall use 'love' only it's in true context. I'll try anyway, because manners of speech are tough habits to break.
But, on the other hand, it's not said enough. Often people leave it too late to tell someone they love them. I will not let that happen to me.
People deserve to know they're cared about, loved. Because you'd want to hear it wouldn't you?
How do people even know when they're in love? How do I know? It's just a feeling that comes over time. You don't wake up two months into a relationship and decide you're in love with someone. It just . . happens. And when it does, it's the greatest feeling in the world. And to have it returned?
I am a true romantic at heart. Always.
I'm sorry for going off on a philosophical rant, but it had to be said, in my opinion.
On a more light handed note, 500 Days of Summer is out tomorrow I think xD Must go and see that, The Gube in a film that's actually in the cinema? Shock horror. There's quite a lot of good films coming soon, Avatar, Dorian Gray, Holmes. All my cups of tea.
I had another crazy dream last night. Where I lived in this old dingy house that kinda reminded of a hospital with this man, who loved beans, and at tins and tins of beans every single day. But he was a serial killer. I only very vaguely remember it, it wasn't a nice dream anyway.
I know it's ages away, but I can't wait for Halloween! I'm quite the fan of Halloween.
I'm not really feeling my new layout, but I couldn't find a floral background ANYWHERE. No matter how many different things I searched in google. Anyone have any ideas? No?
And that really got me thinking, what is love?
People say it all the time, yet rarely mean it, we're all guilty of it, myself included. Like, I say I LOVE my new scarf. But I don't, not really.
Why do people throw it around like it's nothing? Because it isn't. Love is the furthest from nothing anything could possibly be. Love is everything. Everything.
From today on, I vow, I shall use 'love' only it's in true context. I'll try anyway, because manners of speech are tough habits to break.
But, on the other hand, it's not said enough. Often people leave it too late to tell someone they love them. I will not let that happen to me.
People deserve to know they're cared about, loved. Because you'd want to hear it wouldn't you?
How do people even know when they're in love? How do I know? It's just a feeling that comes over time. You don't wake up two months into a relationship and decide you're in love with someone. It just . . happens. And when it does, it's the greatest feeling in the world. And to have it returned?
I am a true romantic at heart. Always.
I'm sorry for going off on a philosophical rant, but it had to be said, in my opinion.
On a more light handed note, 500 Days of Summer is out tomorrow I think xD Must go and see that, The Gube in a film that's actually in the cinema? Shock horror. There's quite a lot of good films coming soon, Avatar, Dorian Gray, Holmes. All my cups of tea.
I had another crazy dream last night. Where I lived in this old dingy house that kinda reminded of a hospital with this man, who loved beans, and at tins and tins of beans every single day. But he was a serial killer. I only very vaguely remember it, it wasn't a nice dream anyway.
I know it's ages away, but I can't wait for Halloween! I'm quite the fan of Halloween.
I'm not really feeling my new layout, but I couldn't find a floral background ANYWHERE. No matter how many different things I searched in google. Anyone have any ideas? No?
Friday, September 4, 2009
new layout. new blog
So, yesterday bebo changed all profiles to the new layout. I am so angry about this. I want to be able to keep the old layout. I was so angry, I went and made a facebook. Though I'm not sure what to make of it yet.
First week of sixth year over and done with. I'm feeling the stress a little tbh. It'll be fine once study starts monday, I can get a bit of a routin going.
Have to research dragons over the weekend for art, I'm not feeling quite so anxious about the art exam anymore, I think I can kind of twist the theme to suit me.
I got my Senior Prefect badge today! Yay!
I am quite liking farmville on facebook though!
Short post, apologies.
First week of sixth year over and done with. I'm feeling the stress a little tbh. It'll be fine once study starts monday, I can get a bit of a routin going.
Have to research dragons over the weekend for art, I'm not feeling quite so anxious about the art exam anymore, I think I can kind of twist the theme to suit me.
I got my Senior Prefect badge today! Yay!
I am quite liking farmville on facebook though!
Short post, apologies.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
meet me at platform 9 and 3/4
if only.
so, today was the first 'proper' day of sixth year, and it was actually great. Well, most of it. Not so great was the getting up early, then thinking today was Monday when it was actully Tuesday and brining the wrong books. that wasn't so great.
New Irish tacher; I expect it all to work out ine. Because having a bad attitude to things doesn't make them any better, in fact, I find it makes them worse.
I have two fancy new lockers, that I don't have to beat my folders into. Relief.
But I have a confession. I'm feeling a little left behind. People are going away to college and I'm not. I'm just still here. And I know it's my last year, and that TY was my decision. And I do not regret TY at all, but at the same time . . y'know.
Hands up who's hoping for UCC? Hopefully some. Not that I don't want new friends, not at all. I just want a familiar comfort.
We had a special class about 'swine flu and coughing etiquette' today. Load of balls in my opinion. Although, knowing my luck, I'll get swine flu over the Christmas holidays or something. Speaking of Christmas, I saw a Christmas episode of The Simpsons today, I got all excited. Then I remembered it's September. Bummer.
I'm not worried about exams. Well, maybe art a little, because there's no real . . freedom. The exam will be so specific. "Design a brochure for a golf tournament" or something along those lines. I could never do that. Too practical. I really wanted to try my hand at maybe some navy themed kinda stuff, anchors and pin ups and all that. But how would I relate it to golf or some other mundane theme?
That was kinda the only hiccup though.
I can't wait to go to London babes.
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LAVE (just for you Breffni)
so, today was the first 'proper' day of sixth year, and it was actually great. Well, most of it. Not so great was the getting up early, then thinking today was Monday when it was actully Tuesday and brining the wrong books. that wasn't so great.
New Irish tacher; I expect it all to work out ine. Because having a bad attitude to things doesn't make them any better, in fact, I find it makes them worse.
I have two fancy new lockers, that I don't have to beat my folders into. Relief.
But I have a confession. I'm feeling a little left behind. People are going away to college and I'm not. I'm just still here. And I know it's my last year, and that TY was my decision. And I do not regret TY at all, but at the same time . . y'know.
Hands up who's hoping for UCC? Hopefully some. Not that I don't want new friends, not at all. I just want a familiar comfort.
We had a special class about 'swine flu and coughing etiquette' today. Load of balls in my opinion. Although, knowing my luck, I'll get swine flu over the Christmas holidays or something. Speaking of Christmas, I saw a Christmas episode of The Simpsons today, I got all excited. Then I remembered it's September. Bummer.
I'm not worried about exams. Well, maybe art a little, because there's no real . . freedom. The exam will be so specific. "Design a brochure for a golf tournament" or something along those lines. I could never do that. Too practical. I really wanted to try my hand at maybe some navy themed kinda stuff, anchors and pin ups and all that. But how would I relate it to golf or some other mundane theme?
That was kinda the only hiccup though.
I can't wait to go to London babes.
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LAVE (just for you Breffni)
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